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그리스 미디어 컨텐츠

한국 미디어 컨텐츠


Sheaf theoretic formulation for consciousness and qualia and relationship to the idealism of non-dual philosophies

Kafatos, M.C., Kato, G. C. (2017)

The mathematical formalism provides powerful ways to address consciousness and qualia, beyond attempts to account for consciousness through physical theories. 

Sheaf theoretic formulation for consciousness and qualia and relationship to the idealism of non-dual philosophies

Wave Particle Duality, the Observer and Retrocausality

Narasimhan, A., Kafatos, M.C. (2016)

We approach wave particle duality, the role of the observer and implications on Retrocausality, by starting with the results of a well verified quantum experiment.

Wave Particle Duality, the Observer and Retrocausality
Fundamental Awareness: A framework for integrating science, philosophy and metaphysics

Theise, N.D., Kafatos, M.C. (2016)

We approach wave particle duality, the role of the observer and implications on Retrocausality, by starting with the results of a well verified quantum experiment.

Fundamental Awareness: A framework for integrating science, philosophy and metaphysics
Biofield Science

Kafatos, M.C., Chevalier, G., Chopra, D., Hubacher, J.J., Kak, S., Theise, N.D. (2015)

We approach wave particle duality, the role of the observer and implications on Retrocausality, by starting with the results of a well verified quantum experiment.

Biofield Science
Where Are We Going? The Quest for a Meaningful Future

Kafatos, M.C. (2020)

This essay is deliberately free thinking and informal to bring out
some thoughts about our collective future as humans on this beautiful planet called Earth. 

Where Are We Going? The Quest for a Meaningful Future

Responses of Agro-ecosystems to Climate Change: Specifics of Resilience in the Mid-Latitude Regions,

Kafatos, M.C., Kim, S.H., Lim, C-H., Kim, J., Lee, W-K. (2017)

This study examines the productivity and resilience of agroecosystems in the Korean Peninsula

Responses of Agro-ecosystems to Climate Change: Specifics of Resilience in the Mid-Latitude Regions,

수상 이력

채프먼 물리학자, 최우수상 수상, 한국과학기술한림원 가입

메나스 카파토스 박사(Menas Kafatos)는 올해 여러 개의 권위 있는 상을 받았습니다. 채프먼의 지구 시스템 모델링 및 관측 우수 센터(CEESMO)의 교수이자 소장인 카파토스 박사는 최근 한국과학기술한림원의 외국인 회원으로 선출되었습니다.

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인간은 우주에 어떻게 적응하는가? 종교적 경험이 이성적 사고에 반하는가? 

이러한 실존적 질문들은 다양한 영적 전통들을 통해 수 천년 동안 탐구되어 왔다.

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