Articles 265-336 are provided below
Featured Publications

Wave Particle Duality, the Observer and Retrocausality
We approach wave particle duality, the role of the observer and implications on Retrocausality, by starting with the results of a well verified quantum experiment.
Narasimhan, A., Kafatos, M.C.

Sheaf theoretic formulation for consciousness, qualia and relationship...
Questions about the nature of reality, whether Consciousness is the fundamental reality in the universe, ...
Kafatos, M.C., Kato, G. C. (2017)
Exploring Consciousness through the Qualitative Content of Equations, Cosmos and History
Here we focus on the qualitative content of what the relationships expressed in equations imply.
Narasimhan, A., Kafatos, M.C.

Biofield Science
We approach wave particle duality, the role of the observer and implications on Retrocausality, by starting with the results of a well verified quantum experiment.
Kafatos, M.C., Chevalier, G., Chopra, D., Hubacher, J.J., Kak, S., Theise, N.D. (2015)

Fundamental Awareness: A framework for integrating science, philosophy and metaphysics
We approach wave particle duality, the role of the observer and implications on Retrocausality, by starting with ...
Theise, N.D., Kafatos, M.C.

Saving the Physics II: Who Needs to be Saved? It Depends on Your Metaphysics
Here we explore how a new metaphysics where consciousness is fundamental might just be what modern societies need.
Kafatos, M.C. (2017)
Latest Publications
299. Kafatos, M.C., Kak, S. (2015). Veiled Nonlocality and Cosmic Censorship, Physics Essays, 28,182-187 and
300. Boksoon M., Kim, S.H, Kim, J., Kafatos, M.C. (2015). On the Relationship between the North Atlantic Oscillation and Early Warm Season Temperatures in the Southwestern United States. J. Climate, 28:5683–5698
301. Park, S., El-Askary, H., Sabbah, I., Kwak, H., Prasad A., Lee, W.K., Kafatos, M.C. (2015) Studying Air Pollutants Origin and Associated Meteorological Parameters over Seoul from 2000 to 2009 Advances in Meteorology 2015(2):1-12 DOI: 10.1155/2015/704178
302. Park, S K., El-Askary, H., Ahn M-H., Prasad A., Kafatos, M.C. (2015) On the Detection and Monitoring of the Transport of an Asian Dust Storm Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Remote Sensing Journal of Environmental Informatics 25(2):99-116 DOI: 10.3808/jei.201500306
303. Medvigy, D., Kim, S.H., Kim, J., Kafatos, M.C. (2015) Dynamically downscaling predictions for deciduous tree leaf emergence in California under current and future climate International Journal of Biometeorology 60(7) DOI: 10.1007/s00484-015-1086-7
304. Kafatos, M.C., Chevalier, G., Chopra, D., Hubacher, J.J., Kak, S., Theise, N.D. (2015). Biofield Science: Current Physics Perspectives, Global Advances in Health and Medicine, 4(suppl):25-34. DOI: 10.7453/gahmj.2015.011.suppl
305. Kafatos, M.C. (2015). Meditation: If You’re Doing It, You’re Doing It Right, Alisson Tinsley and Chris Fields, Edit., Meditation is the effortless stilling of the mind: It is being with yourself, 153-158 (book chapter).
306. Kim, S.H., Kim J., Walko, R., Myoung, B., Stack, D., Kafatos, M.C. (2015). Climate Change Impacts on Maize-yield Potential in the Southwestern United States Procedia Environmental Sciences 12/2015; 29:279-280. DOI: 10.1016/j.proenv.2015.07.210
307. Kafatos, M.C. (2015). Fundamental Mathematics of Consciousness Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 11(2):175-188
308. Theise, N.D., Kafatos, M.C. (2016) Fundamental Awareness: A Framework for Integrating Science, Philosophy and Metaphysics Communicative & Integrative Biology 9(3):00-00
309. Sarafoglou, N., Kafatos, M.C., Sprigg, W.A. (2016) Migration, Environment and Public Health: Theory and Interdisciplinary Research from a Regional Science Perspective International Journal of Social Science Studies 4(4)
310. Kafatos, M.C., Keun Hang Yang (2016) The Quantum Universe: the Philosophical Foundations and Oriental Medicine, Integrative Medicine Research, 5(4):237-243,
311. Lee, E.J., Lee, W-K., Lamchin, M., Piao, D., Song, C., Jeon, S.W., Kim, E. Moon, Kafatos, M.C. (2016) Assessing Environmentally Sensitive Land to Desertification using MEDALUS method in Mongolia, Advances in Space Research (In Process)
312. Kafatos, M.C., Narasimhan, A., (2016) Mathematical Frameworks for Consciousness, Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 12(2)
313. Narasimhan, A., Kafatos, M.C., (2016) Wave Particle Duality, the Observer and Retrocausality, Retrocausality Conference, AIP, 9 pages
314. Narasimhan, A., Kafatos, M.C., (2016) Exploring Consciousness through the Qualitative Content of Equations, Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 12(2)
3Narasimhan, A., Kafatos, M.C. (2016) Exploring Consciousness through the Qualitative Content
of Equations, , 12(2):184-191
317. Kim S.H., Myoung, B., Stack, D.H., Kim, J., Kafatos, M.C. (2017) Sensitivity of Maize Yield Potential to Regional Climate in Southwestern United States, Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 59(6):1745-1757. (doi 10.13031/trans.5911584)
318. Lim, C-H., Kim, S.H., Choi, Y., Kafatos, M.C., Lee, W-K. (2017) Estimation of Virtual Water Contents of Main Crops using Multiple RCMs and Evapotranspiration Methods in Korean Peninsula, Sustainability, 9:1172. (doi:10.3390/su9071172)
319. Kafatos, M.C., Kim, S.H., Lim, C-H., Kim, J., Lee, W-K. (2017) Responses of Agro-ecosystems to Climate Change: Specifics of Resilience in the Mid-Latitude Regions, Sustainability, 9:1361. (doi:10.3390/su9081361)
320. Kafatos, M.C. (2017) The Living Presence is the Antidote to Fear, Anastamos Interdisciplinary Journal, Fear, Alison Williams (edit.), 1: 50-58
321. Kafatos, M.C. (2017) Saving the Physics II: Who Needs to be Saved? It Depends on Your Metaphysics, Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 13(2):47-52
322. Kafatos, M.C., Yang, K-H S (2017) The Participating Mind in the Quantum Universe, Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 14(1):40-55
323. Kafatos, M.C., Kato, G. C. (2017) Sheaf theoretic formulation for consciousness and qualia and relationship to the idealism of non-dual philosophies, in Simeonov, P.L., Gare, A., Matsuno, K., Igamberdiev, A., Hankey, A. (Eds.). The Necessary Conjunction of the Western and Eastern Thought Traditions for Exploring the Nature of Mind and Life. Special Theme Issue Integral Biomathics. Prog. Biophy. Mol. Biol. 131 C. Elsevier, ISSN: 00796107, 242-250
324. Galanis, G., Kafatos, M.C., Chu, P.C., Hatzopoulos, N., Papageorgiou, E., Liakatas, A. (2018) Operational atmospheric and wave modeling in the California’s coastline and offshore area with application to wave energy monitoring and assessment, Journal of Operational Oceanography
325. Kafatos, M.C., Yang, K-H S (2018) The Participating Mind in the Quantum Universe, Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 14(1):40-55
326. Yang, K-H S, Kafatos, M.C. (2018), Geometroneurodynamics and Neuroscience, Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 14(2):55-73
327. Myoung, B., Kim, S.H., Nghiem, S.V., Jia, S., Whitney, K., Kafatos, M.C. (2018) Estimating Live Fuel Moisture from MODIS Satellite Data for Wildfire Danger Assessment in Southern California USA. Remote Sens. 10, 87. doi:10.3390/rs10010087
328. S. Jia, S. H. Kim, S. V. Nghiem, W. Cho, Kafatos, M.C., (2018) Estimating Live Fuel Moisture in Southern California Using Remote Sensing Vegetation Water Content Proxies, 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, p. 5587-5890
329. Kim, S.H., Kafatos, M.C. (2018) R&S project report Diagnosis and improvement of hydrologic cycle in long-term prediction system Applications of Sub-seasonal to Seasonal (S2S) Predictions on Agricultural Sector, Korea Meteorological Administration, Seoul Korea
330. Narasimhan, A., Chopra, D., Kafatos, M.C. (2019) The Nature of the Heisenberg-von Neumann Cut: Enhanced Orthodox Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Activitas Nervosa Superior, (), 1-6, doi: 0.1007/s41470-019-00048-x,
331. Kafatos, M.C., Narasimhan, A., (2019) The Observer and Access to Information in the Quantum Universe, Invited Chapter, in Quanta and Mind: Essays on the connection between quantum mechanics and consciousness, edit. Jose Acacio De Barros and Carlos Montemayor, Synthese Library (
332. Lim, C-H., Kim, S.H., Chun, J.A., Kafatos, M.C., Lee, W-K. (2019) Assessment of Agricultural Drought Considering the Hydrological Cycle and Crop Phenology in the Korean Peninsula, Water, 11(5), 1105;
333. Jia , S., Kim, S.H., Son V. Nghiem, S.V., Kafatos, M.C., (2019) Estimating Live Fuel Moisture Using SMAP L-Band Radiometer Soil Moisture for Southern California, USA. Remote Sens, 11(13), 1575,
334. Sarafoglou, N., Laniado-Laborin, R., Kafatos, M.C., (2019) Coccidioidomycosis: medical and spatio-temporal perspectives
335. Kafatos M.C., Narasimhan A. (2019) The Observer and Access to Information in the Quantum Universe. In: de Barros J., Montemayor C. (eds) Quanta and Mind. Synthese Library (Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science), vol 414. Springer, Cham
336. Narasimhan, A., Chopra, D. & Kafatos, M.C. Act Nerv Super (2019) The Nature of the Heisenberg-von Neumann Cut: Enhanced Orthodox Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, 61: 12.
337. Jia, S., Kim, S.H., Son V. Nghiem, S.V., Yang, K-H.S., Kafatos, M.C., (2020) Investigating the Lagged Relationship between Smap Soil Moisture and Live Fuel Moisture in California, USA. In IGARSS 2020-2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (pp. 4485-4488). IEEE.
338. Ouzounov D. Pulinets, S., Sun, K., Shen, X., M.C. Kafatos, M.C. (2020) Atmosphere Response to Pre-Earthquake Processes Revealed by Satellite and Ground Observations. Case Study for Xinjiang, China (2008-2014), Annals of Geophysics (accepted)
339. Ouzounov D., Pulinets, S., Davidenko, D., Rozhnoi, A., Solovieva, M., Petrov, L., P. Taylor, M.C. Kafatos, Papilion, A. Surveying the atmosphere-ionosphere for pre-earthquake transients features. Case studies for the M8 Mexico 2017, M7 California 2019, and M7.7 Caribbean 2020 earthquakes. Frontiers in Environmental Science, Environmental Informatics and Remote Sensing (submitted)
340. Books and Monographs Kim, M., Kim, S.H., Kim, W.V., Lee, Y.G., Kim, J., and Kafatos, M.C., (2021) Assessment of Aerosol Optical Depth Under Background and Polluted Conditions Using AERONET and VIIRS Datasets. Atmots. Environ.245, 117994,
341. Fujioka F.M., Weise, D.R., Chen, S-C., Kim S.H., Kafatos, M.C., (2021) Reaction Intensity Partitioning: A New Perspective of Fire Danger. International Journal of Wildland Fire. (Accepted)