Oxi Day (Oct.28)
28 October is National Day in Greece, commemorating the entry of Greece into World War II. Parade in the video was held in Irakleion,...
The Great Unknown Becomes Known Through Art and Quantum Mechanics:The Future of NFT
In our modern era, there is a misunderstanding that art, science, philosophy and technology are all different and have no relationships...

There Is No "Real" Universe. Now What?
​More than six decades after Einstein's death in 1955, his prestige is enormous and worrisome. It is enormous because relativity remains...

Coming to Grips with the Implications of Quantum Mechanics
The question is no longer whether quantum theory is correct, but what it means... For almost a century, physicists have wondered whether...

What Would God Think of the God Particle?
The award of the Nobel Prize in physics generally creates a mental blur for most people, since no one can comprehend the current state of...

From the Spookiness of Limited Mind to the Undivided Wholeness of Reality
In a recent plenary talk that I gave at the Science and Nonduality conference Oct. 23 - 26, in San Jose, California, I spoke of the...

Hitching a Ride on the Cosmos
The universe and the human brain have something important in common. The inner workings of both are invisible. At this moment you have no...

How To Get Reality Back On Track
Reality, that most important concept about everything that exists, has gotten out of kilter, and yet very few people have noticed or are...