Expanding the Horizons of Science for Society

About Menas C. Kafatos
Growing up on the island of Crete, I was fascinated by the vastness of space in the night sky and by questions about the universe. I’m fortunate that I was able to have this experience, as I ultimately realized that we came from the stars. This way of thought shaped my experiences and led me to new opportunities. Now, as Fletcher Jones Endowed Professor of Computational Physics, I've expanded my work to make close connections between science and spirituality, the nature of reality, and quantum implications for everyday life. Science is today a most powerful, successful and continuously changing human activity. An activity that asks “big questions,” such as, how did the universe start? An activity that also asks questions that may not be “big” but are, nevertheless, very important, questions that affect our everyday lives and well-being.

Presentation and panel discussion with Menas Kafato and Deepak Chopra
Science, Reality and Everyday Life
You are the Universe

What is this book that fell into your hands? It is an exploration of Reality, which examines Truth scientifically, philosophically (mainly from the point of view of the Triadic, non-dual system of understanding) and which originated in ancient India. We will look at parallels to 'Western' philosophical concepts, notably Plato, Socrates and Heraclitus. We will see some parallels to Trinity encountered in religion. Of course, this work does not go against any philosophy, ancient or modern, because it holds that after all, despite all the apparent dualities, they all have the same Source.
New York Times bestselling author Deepak Chopra joins forces with leading physicist Menas Kafatos to explore some of the most important and baffling questions about our place in the world. What happens when modern science reaches a crucial turning point that challenges everything we know about reality? In this brilliant, timely, and practical work, Chopra and Kafatos tell us that we've reached just such a point. In the coming era, the universe will be completely redefined as a "human universe" radically unlike the cold, empty void where human life is barely a speck in the cosmos. ...

Recent & Upcoming Events
The Great Unknown becomes known through Art and Quantum Mechanics
In our modern era, there is a misunderstanding that art, science, philosophy and technology are all different and have no relationships with each other. Let me say from the start that this point of view is not only limiting, it causes many problems for society, for humanity and affects future generations. It affects the health of humans, the health of our planet. Today I bring you a message of hope, a message of healthy mind, a message that the ancient Masters knew and taught. This is also the message of modern quantum mechanics. Because the Truth is one, it never changes. It never changes in Korea, in Greece, in China, in America, in Africa, in Europe. It is universal, beyond space, time and cultural differences.
Aug 26, 2022
Seoul, Korea
TEDx Athens
The Great Unknown
The Unknown is Great. It gives meaning to our being, redefining our need for discovery and knowledge. As children, we face it with awe, like a blank canvas ready to welcome everything we can imagine. And everything we can imagine, we can realize.
TEDxAthens returns, daring us to become kids once more, diving deep into a Great Unknown. And who knows, this journey may lead us to the discovery of new, unknown so far, destinations. Will you accept the challenge?
May 28, 2022
Athens, Greece
Sivananda Ashram: Swami Swaroopananda's Birthday Celebration
Science, Art, and Consciousness
We invite all new, returning, and longtime members of the Sivananda community to come together for a joyful celebration in honor of the Sivananda lineage and the celebration of the birthday of the ashram’s director and acharya, Swami Swaroopananda.
We will enjoy Classical Indian Music and Dance, a special Q & A on Yoga and Spiritual Life with Swami Swaroopananda, talks on science and consciousness, and Sivananda teachings from senior ashram staff.
With a special birthday puja on June 7, and more guests to be added, please plan to be with us during this special time.
June 2 - 11, 2022
Bahamas, Online